Changes Are On the Horizon!

Life is constant change.


For the past couple of months, I have begun working with a fantastic cannabis company and have found myself extra, EXTRA busy. Since I am a painfully slow writer, my blogging has suffered. The good news is that I have never read more books in my life than in the last 2 months.


No fear! Help is near! After speaking with some amazing professionals during the Non-Fiction Author’s Association writer’s conference (highly recommended!) I am going to be implementing some new formats. I am hiring some help to get me where I want to go and am confident I will prevail!


I appreciate your patience while I acclimate to my new normal and continue to provide you with useful, educational cannabis-driven content.


For today, I wanted to share an interesting study out of Canada which shows how CBD-rich cannabis strains may be useful to decrease our susceptibility to COVID. I spoke with a friend who grows several strains in Rhode Island and she explained how she and her partner took cannabis oil during their COVID sickness and “did great”.


These days, we need all the good news we can get!!


In Search of Preventative Strategies: Novel Anti-Inflammatory High-CBD Cannabis Sativa Extracts Modulate ACE2 Expression in COVID-19 Gateway Tissues


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